Videos are very effective ways of delivering ideas to students that allow all sorts of things that other teaching media can't do. With school videos, students can visit places they would never be able to in real life (e.g. an exploding volcano), see things at a level of detail they can't with the unassisted eye (time-lapse photography and microscopic close-ups) and see things from the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos other side of the world almost first-hand.
However, while school videos have this sort of potential, they also have drawbacks. Too often, our students have become used to seeing the screen as a form of entertainment and relaxation - something they sit down in front of and veg out. It's our responsibility as teachers to make sure that we get them to watch the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos actively rather than passively.
Don't feel that you have to watch the whole Watch Pinoy AKO Videos- just select key scenes for viewing. And remember the "pause" button if you want to emphasize something in particular.
Prepare the students for watching. Tell them why you're watching the video and give them key pointers as to what they should look out for Watch Pinoy AKO Videos. Possibly have a brainstorming session beforehand as to what they might expect to see and notice during the video session.
Set focus questions before the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos session. This is a vital part of the pre-watching process with school videos.
Watch the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos in an unusual way - turn off the sound and switch the subtitles on; switch the sound off completely and make students figure out what's going on - or just play the sound and don't let them see the screen. Follow this up by re-showing the scene again with the sound and picture combined.
Use a worksheet in conjunction with the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos session. This is a way of reminding students of the focus questions (see point 3).
For literature classes, show several different versions of the same key scene. This can bring out multiple aspects of the Watch Pinoy AKO Videos same scene and start students thinking and using their imaginations when approaching this scene.
Use videos for teaching media studies and critical thinking. For example, try teaching about advertising techniques before showing a Watch Pinoy AKO Videos series of advertisements - maybe playing a version of "bingo" could be fun.
Make full use of freeze-frames and slow-motion replays when watching school videos. This is especially useful during science class, where the teacher can use a pointer to highlight key parts to notice. For example, a Watch Pinoy AKO Videos teacher can highlight the different parts of a flower can be shown in a freeze-frame, or a fast chemical reaction can be shown in slow motion so the different stages can be appreciated.
Allowing students to switch brains off in "I'm Watch Pinoy AKO Videos TV" mode is just one of the many pitfalls that teachers can encounter when using school videos as a classroom tool. However, this isn't the only pitfall that teachers should avoid.
If you don't know the "Seven Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make Using Video in the Classroom" then maybe you should take the very simple step of Watch Pinoy AKO Videos downloading a free copy of Seven Classroom Video Mistakes right now.
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